Cuttest Blog

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Well, I have finally started getting my scrapbook room organized but once again. Isn't that what we all say? New year, new or old sayings. Well, I haven't had my scrapbook room for even a year now and with me going back to college and all this has to be a priority for me. I am going to post some pics from when I first started the transformation of my extra bedroom into my now "scrapbook room", from what it was You see, I live in a very nice 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom modular home. I also have a full laundry room but all this comes at a cost. I only have a little over a 1,000 sq. ft. home. This is not very much room once you were accustomed to living in an 1800 sq. ft. home with a humongous back and front yard. Well there ya go... the short and long of it.

I am also going to start posting the cards and scrapbook pages that I have made and will continue to make on here. That way I can see what I've accomplished along with anyone else who would like to see my work. O.K. I've not created anything new this year but believe me it's coming and very, very soon. God bless and remember to always have fun at what ya do!